Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Another dog walk

Remember the post about the green sunday walk I wrote back in August? Well here are some actual pictures of that part of my neck of the woods.
 The beginning change to fall is definitely visible!

 The clouds were looking special.
 This is still the same field of leek than in the old post ;-)
And as usual with me: girls in front looking out for grashoppers and mice, boy one step behind.

Thanks for coming over!

Sunday, 16 October 2011

More October garden pictures

It is mid october and everything is still so green! Lots of colour, too. The fall perenniels are in full bloom, the roses are doing great, the white buddleja has a second high, the blackeyed susan has hidden the insect hotel post nicely, and the clematis fruit are just amazing.

This past week we had some nice weather with cold nights under a clear sky (down to 4°C in the morning) and nice sunny days, warm in the sun but already cool in the shade. Had my lunch today on the back patio, sitting there in jeans and just a t-shirt. Two more days like this are forecast!
Thanks for coming over!
Edit: the clematis is Clematis tangutica, or mongolian clematis. You can see them in flower here, it's a last year's post.

Breakfast - Petit déjeuner

This was my breakfast this morning, French style with a bowl of milk coffee (un bol de café crème) and a piece of baguette (une tartine) with lemon marmalade, that needs to be dipped into the coffee each time before taking a bite. Tried to make my coffee smile :-)

What's the reason for wanting a breakfast like this?
Well... se do have tickets for the concerts of two French ladys - one of them will be Nolwenn Leroy, taking place next spring in France close to the German border. She was born in Britanny and has a lovely voice and sings beautiful songs, in French, in Breton, in English and even in Irish.
And then there is ZAZ coming to our town and this will even be sooner, in November. She has two hits in Germany, that I knew from the radio and liked, but since I have seen her on TV performing live I am totally hooked. She has such an energy!

So this morning, I just felt like doing a bit more for the French part of my soul...

Oh and while I was sitting there with the camera in my hand I thought I might also show you the view from the chair at the dining table I usually sit on, with my favourite cross stitch in sight and Josy looking down on me:

Thanks for coming over!

October garden

I am sorry for not blogging for so long!
Is there still someone out there waiting for some news from my neck of the woods? (Well, I actually know of one person who definitely is as I was told “You haven’t written anything on your blog for over a month now - I am always SO disappointed when I check your blog and don’t find anything new” :-) )

Definitely need to get back my blogging mojo as well as the ones for blog reading, for taking pictures, for knitting, for crochet, for surfing the internet…

Will have two weeks off work soon and hope there will be some change to the better here then when I have some more spare time and am not sitting in front of the screen nearly all day long.
And we plan for at least one trip into the woods depending on Dingo's actual fitness, and if I don’t forget the camera I might be able to show you some nice fall pictures.

The weather in September was beautiful, warm, sunny days and cool nights.
So here is my first-of-the-month-garden-picture with some delay:

But for a week or so it is true fall weather, cool, wet, windy and somewhat unfriendly in general, but we just have to get used to it again. And then a nice hot cup of tea is so nice after a walk :-)

Thanks for coming over!