She is the brand new addition to our furry pack. A four month old terrier crossbreed rescued from Greece. It was love at first sight, we only had seen two pictures of her when we decided to get her. But she is even cuter in reality and so smart. Already clean in the house and sleeps all through the night from 10 pm to 7 pm.
Dingo and Flavie have accepted her right away, she has slept from the beginning with Dingo in his bed and Flavie now plays with her in the nicest way you can imagine. And Flavie hasn't played like this before. Running and chasing games, yes, but not those play fights with mouths wide open. So good for her, too. It is fun to watch them, better than any tv program :-)
Before I let them out now hoping not to get into pouring rain (as it is changing these days so fast from cold rain and storm to warm sunshine and back again - just what is called April's weather) I'll ad a few pictures now.
As always click on the pictures to enlarge them.
Thanks for passing by!