Saturday 8 May 2010

Garden and doggies

The last tulips, apricot in the back yard and changing from yellow to pink in the front yard:
Princess Flavie watching her land from the back door:
The Whities watching a dog passing by/ the neighbours's cat/ the other neighbours' rabbits - they were all there, I just don't know who it was when I took this picture :-) And you dee the little one is still distracted so easily.
The boy in his own world:

Tomato-babies and herbs and herb seedlings on the patio:
The cold frame full with radish, salad, peas and dill:

The cold tent, also full with salad and radish:And my herb pots:
As always you can click on the pictures to enlarge them. Thanks for coming over!


  1. lovely doggies enjoying the garden :) little flynt is slowly getting out of his plan to destroy our garden!

    so nice to see your lovely green things growing~i seem to have too many tomatos so will give some away. and my pineapple mint which i thought had died is coming back~teeny tiny but its coming back :)
    have a good week


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