Thursday, 18 June 2009

Finished socks

The socks for Sweethart are off the needle. I 'll be back with yarn specifics! And perhaps with a better pic???


  1. Finishing a pair of men's socks is no small accomplishment! It always amazes me how much further it is around and to the ankle and then to the finish with men's socks than it is with socks for myself! Congratulations on getting them done!

  2. HI!!!

    I am alive and well and had abandoned my blog for over a year and just saw your most recent comment (on my last entry!)

    I did my triathlon I trained for last september and am doing another one in two weeks!

    How are you and how is your running going?


Thanks for leaving your comment. I am always trying to respond to each of your comments. Check here for my answers if I am not able to reach you directly via e-mail.